Adjustable Kettlebell Kits
We have now got the Ironmaster Adjustable Kettlebell Kits in stock and they are ready to ship. If you have not tried kettlebell training before, these kits are an ideal way of getting into it. The Ironmaster Adjustable Kettlebell kits are an ideal way of starting kettlebell training. All you need is the Ironmaster Kettlebell Handle and the 57.5lb Kettlebell Weight Kit and you are ready for action.
This combo is perfect for starting out. You will have kettlebells from 10.2 to 26.1kg. Not only this a good spread of weight, but the big advantage is that you can increase weight in 2.5lb increments. I have found this capability invaluable, especially with one arm movements. Traditional kettlebells are in 4kg increments. Jumping up with 2.5lb increments allows you to increase weight gradually and really focus on form and technique, both are critical with kettlebell training. It’s also super easy to adjust the weight.

80lb Adjustable Kettlebell Kit
If you already have kettlebell experience then you might want to also get the 80lb Kettlebell Weight Kit which will give you an adjustable kettlebell up to 36.3kg. Please remember that you need the 57.5lb kit as well as the 80lb kit.
We have got some adjustable kettlebell training videos in the pipeline so stay tuned. In the mean time if you aren’t sure how to get started with training then drop us a line. I have got some simple yet effective programs that will get the ball rolling.