Lee Priest Workout Videos

Check out our Lee Priest workout videos that have been filmed in his new Powertec and Ironmaster home gym. We have been meaning to expand on our Powertec and Ironmaster gym equipment videos for a while now. The old videos have been and still are great, and have a following worldwide now. So when we decided to update them we thought we would do something special for our loyal customers.

Workout Tips from Lee Priest

If you are going to get some weight training tips for training in your home gym, you might as well get them from the best. So we have enlisted the help of our good friend Lee Priest to do some videos of his workouts in his preparation for his upcoming return to the bodybuilding stage. These videos will prove beyond all reasonable doubt that you can build serious strength and muscle in a home gym environment.

Unless you are training for a professional bodybuilding show, you won’t need as much gym equipment as Lee. So don’t be put off by Lee’s set up thinking you are going to have to spend a lot of money. You will see that both the Powertec and Ironmaster gear is capable of withstanding the serious load Lee places it under. It also provides the necessary functionality to provide Lee with a world class physique.

The videos will show Lee training. He will also share some pearls of wisdom. These tips will be short and sharp and too the point in true Lee Priest fashion. Lee doesn’t believe in complicating things with cutting edge theories. He has been in the game long enough to see all the fads come and go. There is simply no substitute for hard work and dedication. Lastly wouldn’t be a Lee Priest video unless it had some of Lee’s trademark humor. So you won’t only learn something but you will have a laugh too. So here is a short teaser of the Lee Priest Home Gym Workout Videos: