Time under tension
When you do time under tension (TUT) training, you place stress on your muscles during your set. For instance, you slow down each repetition of your strength training exercise to gain more muscle mass.
Testosterone is the male sex hormone. Health experts believe sufficient testosterone levels help build muscle mass.
Tempo refers to how fast you lift a weight during your workout. Experts believe lifting faster during the eccentric (positive) phase than the concentric (negative) phase helps trigger muscle growth.
A supinated or underhand grip helps activate other muscle groups. Typical exercises which employ a supinated grip include barbell curls, pull ups, and kettlebell rows.
When you do stacking, you add more weights to your lifts so you can achieve your muscle-building and strength goals. For example, stacking an additional 10 kg on the bench press can help you build impressive pectoral muscles.
Stability refers to one’s ability to control joint movement or position. The body’s tissues and neuromuscular system make stability possible.
Squats are a compound movement which one can perform either with a barbell or dumbbell. When you lower yourself in a squatting position, you hit your quads, hamstrings, glutes, core, and calves.
When you spot for a lifter at the gym, you guide and assist him during his lift. If he is unable to finish his set on his own strength, the spotter will help him lift the bar until he completes it.
This refers to how an individual spreads out his training frequency in a week. For instance, if he trains five days weekly, his program is called a five-day split.
When you’re shredded, not only do you have a muscular frame, but you also have extremely low levels of body fat. Your body is clearly defined with striations and sculpted to perfection.
Shoulder press
As the name implies, this is a strength training exercise which targets the shoulder muscles. One does this exercise sitting down or standing up with dumbbells or a barbell.
Ripped is synonymous with jacked and shredded – it means an individual has a lot of muscle mass and little body fat. Bodybuilders are prime examples of ripped individuals.
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