
  • CrossFitter

    A person who does CrossFit training.

  • Compound exercises

    Compound exercises are movements which target several muscle groups simultaneously. Examples include bench presses, dips, squats, and deadlifts.

  • CNS

    CNS refers to the central nervous system, which is comprised of the brain and the spinal cord. It regulates one’s thoughts, movements, breathing, emotions, heart rate, and body temperature.

  • Clean diet

    A clean diet refers to a nutrition plan where one eats whole foods which are close to their natural state. When one eats a clean diet, he avoids foods with artificial and suspicious ingredients.

  • Clamps

    These are circular-shaped accessories which one latches onto the opposite ends of a bar to hold the weight plates securely in place.

  • Chest press

    This is a seated chest exercise on machines such as the Powertec Shape system. It utilises cable action to create tension and target the upper and lower chest areas effectively.

  • Chalk

    Gym chalk helps improve one’s grip with a bar whilst working out. The chalk increases friction between the hands and the bar and lessens the slippery feeling brought about by sweat on the palms.

  • Catabolic

    This refers to catabolism, a state where your body burns up protein instead of other kinds of fuel or nutrient.

  • Bulking up

    This means the same as bulking, where one tries to increase muscle mass through the appropriate exercise and nutrition strategies.

  • Brace

    This typically applies to your core. When you brace your core for big lifts such as squats, you create tension in your midsection to protect your back and increase overall strength.

  • Boss

    Synonymous with excellent and outstanding. If someone calls you a “boss” in the fitness world, he or she is holding you in high regard.

  • Cardio

    Cardio refers to aerobic exercise which delivers more oxygen to muscle cells and increases one’s heart rate. Typical forms of cardiovascular exercise include running, jogging, walking, and cycling.

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