Ironmaster Dumbbell Review
Yet another Ironmaster Dumbbell Review and Ironmaster Bench testimonial. This one was posted on the Lee Priest Zone and I have been meaning to post it for a while. Reviews posted on forums like this are the best.
Hardcore bodybuilding fans are usually extremely dedicated to their training. If they think that a piece of gym equipment is good then it is good recommendation. Plus they do not want to lose credibility by steering fellow members to a dud product.
The Ironmasters have been the talk of the town in Lee’s forum. Pretty soon you will see why……….
Aarons Ironmaster Dumbbell Review
Anyway here is what Azza said about the dumbbells:
My Ironmaster d/bells arrived today. First thing i noticed was how well its all packed up. Unpacked the handles and gave them a look over thinking how are these gonna hold, maybe cause they are only 5 pounds per handle and made very well. Assembled the dumbells with all the weight supplied to have 35kg d/bell’s. The most important part for me is d/bells that dont rattle and the ends keep spinning off. These with 7 plates on per side are locked together as one d/bell.
Then got the bench out of its box and well its assembled, you just put the ends on. Have to admit this is a much better bench than the last gym i trained in. Almost commercial quality. I have’t trained for almost 7 weeks due to rolled ankles. Last time i did d/bell bench press i was on 32.5 kg d/bells, i have done 37.5s before. The 35’s i did one set of 8 and felt great, not bad for 7 weeks off. Might have to buy the add on kit now. I know Sam from Sams Fitness is a member here so Sam if you read this. Thanks mate, they are great. Ironmasters are it. AZZA
Well stay tuned for some cool new stuff on Ironmaster dumbbells soon……….