Grant’s Free Weight Training Gym

Here is Grant’s free weight training gym review. It was a bit more hardcore than your average set up – Grant went with the Custom Ironmaster Add on Kit for the dumbbells. That’s 165lbs per dumbbell! So when this man reviews a gym set up you should listen….

Grant’s Gym Review

Hi Sam. Thanks for sending those through. I have now set up the gym. What a fantastic combination. It is nice to have your expectations exceeded. The powertec is a truly fantastic cage. I really don’t miss the commercial one at my old gym. The ironmaster dumbbells are pure genius! Absolutely brilliant.

I am sure you’ve heard enough of these sorts of rants before but I just wanted to say thanks.

Merry Christmas Grant.

Free Weight Training Heaven

If you like traditional free weight training with barbells and dumbbells you simply cannot go wrong with the Powertec Power Rack System and Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbells. Your only regret will be that you didn’t do it sooner if you are currently training in a crowded gym.

This combination is a timeless classic. A power cage with a lat pulldown with the toughest adjustable dumbbells has nearly every free weight exercise covered. If you are a passionate free weight trainer you should never run out of exercises.

wb prs powertec power rack system lat pulldown
Lat pulldowns on the Powertec Power Rack System

Safe as Houses

Some people may be put off setting up a free weight home gym. They may feel it is not safe to train at home by yourself. There is the possibility you could get trapped under a barbell. Do not let this put you off. The Powertec Power Rack has adjustable spotter bars. If you can not complete a rep you just put the bar down on those.

Also remember that you can do chin ups and dips too.