Upper Body Kettlebell Workout

Well you have tried Funk Roberts Ironmaster Dumbbell Workouts, now it is time to mix it up with the Ironmaster Kettlebell Handle. If you have the Quick Lock Dumbbells, these videos will show you how this addition will add great variety to your weight training.

Great Introduction To A Kettlebell Workout

I had never tried Kettlebell training until Ironmaster bought out the kettlebell handle. I had more gym equipment than time to train so I didn’t think I would get into kettlebells. How wrong could I be! The Ironmaster adjustable kettlebell system worked out perfect for my home gym.

Well I don’t really have a home gym as such. My gym is just have a set of Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbells sitting out on the balcony of our apartment. I don’t even have room for the Ironmaster Super Bench!

Ironmaster Kettlebell Handle

Not Just an Upper Body Workout

The kettlebell training tied in perfect with the adjustable dumbbells. Not only do I have more variety with many more exercises, it has also provided the best cardio training I have ever had. You can get destroyed in under 15 minutes! This is the first in a series of kettlebell videos. They also tie in perfectly with the Ironmaster dumbbell workouts. For example I do the first upper body Ironmaster Dumbbell Workout and then after a rest do this kettlebell workout.

Funk’s Upper Body Kettlebell Workout

Clean and Press (L) 20 secs 10 secs rest

Clean and Press (R) 20 secs 10 secs rest

Woodchop (L) 20 secs 10 secs rest

Woodchop (R) 20 secs 10 secs rest

One arm Row(R) 20 secs 10 secs rest

One arm Row(L) 20 secs 10 secs rest


Always start with a light weight. You might feel it is too easy but keep going. If you are new to these types of workouts they wear on you. One minute you are cruising. Then you start slowing. Next you have hit the wall.