The Ironmaster Quick Lock Kettlebell Handle Has Arrived!

Well I know I have been talking about these for a while now, but the Ironmaster Quick Lock Kettelbell Handle has finally arrived and we have them on sale. And they have been well worth the wait!

Making The Quick Lock Dumbbells Even Better!

The Ironmaster Quick Lock Kettlebell Handle is the knockout blow in the world title for the best adjustable dumbbells in my highly biased opinion. However I think the facts speak for themselves and this addition makes the Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbells the ultimate training tool for any home strength enthusiast.

Kettlebell Training – Give It A Go!

I hadn’t trained with kettlebells previously – I am flat out making the time to train on the existing Powertec and Ironmaster gym equipment. So with the arrival of the Ironmaster kettlebell handle imminent I started doing some two handed kettlebell swings.

I just kept it basic and was doing it more for cardio work than strength. The first time I tried them I got nailed to the wall. I was out of breath and all the muscles in my back were burning. But gee I felt great after a bit of a rest. I was thoroughly surprised at the muscle groups that I hit.

I am always weight training consistently, but at the moment not all that intensely. But the kettlebell made me feel like I was just starting back at training after a month lay off. My wife is going to start training with the handle too. With me and a baby to look after, she is finding it hard to train consistently. At the moment we do’t have a home gym because we live in a unit. She has seen the damage I have done to myself in just 10 minutes of kettlebell training so this will be perfect for her schedule.

Evolution of the Quick Lock Kettlebell

See below the early model of the Ironmaster Kettlebell Handle

Ironmaster Kettlebell Handle
When you compare it with the finish product there has been quite a bit of refinement.

Ironmaster Quick Lock Kettlebell Handle
I know this has taken Ironmaster a lot of time, effort and money to get this right. The end result is a product that is great to use and will last a lifetime – it is backed up with a lifetime warranty. This is the big advantage of buying a quality branded product instead of a copy. If you do’t have the Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbells we have a great package with the Kettlebell Handle – Ironmaster Dumbbell & Kettlebell Handle Combo. This package is a home gym in itself and to prove it we are going to do a training program with just the dumbbells and the kettlebell. So stay tuned……