The Lee Priest MASS Program
The Lee Priest Mass Program is revealed! Complete with videos featuring Lee himself, detailing his favourite Mass gaining exercises. Below are all the secrets from Australia’s best bodybuilder on how to pack mountains of muscle onto your physique.
Whip yourself up a protein shake, and sit down, and take notes. Your journey to building your dream physique has just started.
DAY 1: Legs
a) Leg Extensions (Quads) | 5 x 8-10 |
b) Barbell Squats | 5 x 6-8 |
c) Barbell Lunges | 5 x 6-8 (per leg) |
d) Lying Leg Curls (Hamstrings) | 5 x 8-10 |
e) Romanian Deadlifts | 5 x 6-8 |
DAY 3: Shoulders & Arms
a) Barbell Overhead Press | 5 x 6-8 |
b) Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises | 5 x 8-12 |
c) Dumbbell Front Raises | 3 x 8-10 |
d) Dumbbell Rear Laterals | 5 x 10-15 |
e) Barbell Curls (Biceps) | 5 x 6-8 |
f) Dumbbell Curls | 5 x 6-8 (per arm) |
g) Dumbbell Preacher Curl | 3 x 10-12 |
h) Cable Curls | 3 x 12-15 |
DAY 2: Back
a) Chin-ups | 5 x 6-8 |
b) Barbell Rows | 5 x 6-8 |
c) Dumbbell Rows | 3 x 10-12 (each arm) |
d) Seated Cable Rows | 5 x 8-10 |
e) Lat Pulldowns | 5 x 8-10 |
DAY 4: Chest & Triceps
a) Barbell Bench Press | 5 x 6-8 |
b) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press | 5 x 6-8 |
c) Dumbbell Chest Fly | 3 x 10-12 |
d) Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly | 3 x 10-12 |
e) Cable Triceps Pushdowns | 5 x 8-10 |
f) Overhead Tricep Extensions | 5 x 10-12 |
g) Chest Dip | 5 x 6-8 |
h) Skullcrushers | 5 x 12-15 |
Lee Priest Mass Program DAY 1: Legs
a) Leg Extensions (Quads) – 5 x 8-10
Don’t try and lift massive weight, focus on working and squeezing the quads. This is getting your legs prepared for the onslaught!
b) Barbell Squats – 5 x 6-8
The International Squat Police will say that I am not going deep enough. I am not a powerlifter, I am a bodybuilder. Going too deep works the hamstrings which I will hit after. The experts who talk about squat depth don’t have my issue – my hammies hit my calves if I go too deep. Squat deep enough to where you feel your quads doing most of the work – it’s that simple.
c) Barbell Lunges – 5 x 6-8
You can swap out the barbell for a pair of dumbbells if you find this targets your quads more! Experiment and see what feels best for you.
d) Lying Leg Curls (Hamstrings) – 5 x 8-10
Controlling the weight means you will need less weight and the hamstrings will be worked harder.
e) Romanian Deadlifts – 5 x 6-8
Remember this is a hamstring exercise, not a back exercise. Focus on using your hamstrings! You should feel your hamstrings working hard each rep.
Lee Priest Mass Program DAY 2: Back
a) Chin Ups – 5 x 6-8
b) Barbell Rows – 5 x 6-8
Yes, this is an exercise in which you lift a lot of weight. Just ensure you are using good form. Good form and light weights beat bad form and heavy weights every day of the week.
c) Dumbbell Rows – 3 x 10-12 (each arm)
Don’t lift with your ego. Use light weights and get a good pump. Contract all your back muscles on each rep. Watch the video below and learn the tricks that Lou Ferrigno’s trainer taught me.
d) Seated Cable Rows – 5 x 8-10
Focus on squeezing your lats each rep. Don’t cheat too much by leaning backward. If you need to lean backward, lighten the weight.
e) Lat Pulldowns – 5 x 8-10
Remember to do these the Lee Priest way! Watch the video below for elite Lat Pulldown tips.
Lee Priest Mass Program DAY 3: Shoulders & Arms
a) Barbell Overhead Press – 5 x 6-8
Keep your form strict. You can use a barbell, dumbbells, or a machine variation. Good form and variety will grow your shoulders and protect your body from overuse.
b) Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises – 5 x 8-12
After some heavy pressing, give the joints a break by flooding the blood into the shoulders.
c) Dumbbell Front Raises – 3 x 8-10
d) Dumbbell Rear Laterals – 5 x 10-15
e) Barbell Curls (Biceps) – 5 x 6-8
Safety first with this exercise. Make sure you use a spotter (see picture below)! This is my secret to getting massive arms. 20-inch biceps guaranteed.
f) Dumbbell Curls – 5 x 6-8 (per arm)
Biceps need love too. Hit them hard with lots of volume. Don’t listen to people who say biceps don’t need to be isolated. If you have small arms, you need to isolate your biceps.
g) Dumbell Preacher Curl – 3 x 10-12
You can use dumbbells, an Olympic EZ Curl Bar, or a machine variation for this one.
h) Cable Curls – 3 x 12-15
Cable Curls are a great finisher exercise for the arms. They’ll blow up form forearms like crazy. Don’t skip these.
Lee Priest Mass Program DAY 4: Chest & Triceps
a) Barbell Bench Press – 5 x 6-8
As I got older, I moved more to dumbbells and leverage machines. Use whatever is comfortable for your shoulders, and whatever helps you feel your chest more.
b) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press – 5 x 6-8
You want to feel the upper part of your chest engaging on this lift.
c) Dumbbell Chest Fly – 3 x 10-12
d) Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly – 3 x 10-12
e) Cable Triceps Pushdowns – 5 x 8-10
f) Overhead Tricep Extensions – 5 x 10-12
You can use an EZ Curl Barbell, dumbbells, cables, or a triceps machine for this exercise. Use whatever feels best for you.
g) Chest Dip (Dip Bars or Cross-bench) – 5 x 6-8
Weighted reps are more effective for building big triceps. Get a friend to sit on your lap. For maximum gains, it has to be a man, preferably a thick stout one.

h) Skullcrushers – 5 x 12-15
There are all sorts of ways you can do this with a variety of gym equipment. This is part of the fun of training.
Note: Calves were trained every day with one exercise done for 4 or 5 sets of 50-100 reps.
Note: Abs were trained on Day 4. Pick one exercise done for 4 or 5 sets of 50-100 reps. My favourite ab exercises are leg raises and trunk twists.
A Final Word from Lee:
The key to getting bigger and stronger with the Lee Priest Mass Program is KEEPING IT SIMPLE. If it’s too complex, you lose motivation to train, or your stress level is just too high. Just keep your workouts basic with the basic movements and basic equipment, and you’ll put on some serious mass.