Two great leg exercises in one compact machine. For the old school bodybuilders you can perform Frank Zane Leg Blasters. Add in one of the best standing leg curls on the market. Now you have a leg machine that is a worthy addition to any gym looking to add variety to their leg training.
The ATX Leg Master is ideal for small gyms or PTs as it offers two quality exercises in one relatively compact footprint for a leg machine. For home users, leg training variety can be scarce. Quality leg presses are expensive these days. This quirky machine might be just the ticket to break up the back squats.
ATX® Leg Master Key Features
Heavy-Duty construction
Manufactured out of thick steel.
High Base Weight of 108 kgs.
Harness weight – 17.5 kgs

Compact design

Width – 130 cm
Depth – 142 cm
Height – 150 cm
Squat harness features custom molded foam pads with an additional support pad for sternum.
Single Hamstring Curl feature thick foam leg support pads and covered rollers.

Smooth Movement

Hamstring Curl station comes with double ball bearings and operates on an unique lever.
Weight Load Capacity
Squat Station – 200 kgs
Hamstring Curl Station – 100 kgs

Anti-Slip Rubber Feet

Provides excellent protection against scratches, reduces the noise while training and prevents machine from moving.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s Included?
ATX® Leg Master (ATX-LEM-760), 2 x Olympic Adaptors (BB-OA-250-PVC) for the Squat Harness, 1 x Olympic Adaptor (BB-OA-180-PVC) for Standing Leg Curl Station
Squat Harness vs Safety Squat Bar
Both safety squat bar squats and squat harness squats are similar in their function – they both will make squatting bit easier.
Squat harness squats are very similar to front squats. With the main differences being space and comfort.
Can I build big legs with the Leg Master?
The ATX Leg Master or as it is known in US – Leg Blaster is perfect for building massive legs.
You can perform a tone of different squat variations with some serious weight.
What exercises can be done on the Leg Master?
The Leg Master allows you to perform squats similar to front squats, but without the effort and discomfort of holding the barbell in place. There are many variations that you can do – sissy squats, pendulum squats and traditional squats. The harness also allows you to perform lunges and standing calf raises.
Of course you can also do standing leg curls.
Who Invented the Leg Master?
The original Leg Blaster was originally patented by James E Moore in 1964. Frank Zane bought the rights then lodged his own patent with several improvements.
ATX added the standing leg curl functionality and owns the rights for the Leg Master in Europe.
Are Standing Leg Curls Better Than Seated?
Both are great exercises for hamstrings. If possible, including both into your long-term strength training is beneficial. This does not make it essential to include both in an individual training block. But if you have access to both, it is better to utilise the variety.
Sam’s Leg Master Review
A bit of background
Bodybuilders from the old school will recognise the harness from the Frank Zane Leg Blaster.

Older bodybuilders will recognise it from Moore’s Squat Bar. So although this might look like something new, it has been around for decades.
Even the way you perform the exercise is old school. While most people will just perform a traditional squat. If you look online you will see many people performing it in sissy squat fashion or on a backward angle simulating hack squats.
The machine and exercises all aim to reduce the stress on the lower back and knees. When doing a traditional squat movement, the loading feels like a barbell front squat, but without the stress of holding a barbell in position. The handles enable you to keep your upper body more upright. So, you can do a deeper squat.
The Frank Zane Leg Blaster was popular amongst old school bodybuilding enthusiasts. But if you research it, you will also find it popular amongst a handful of strength and conditioning gyms due to its unique qualities.

Despite the fact that Frank Zane’s physique even today would be admired, people think that these old school exercises are outdated. There are new and better ways. So, I guess dedicating a machine solely to this exercise would be considered a luxury.
To ease the pain ATX decided to build in another exercise, and in my opinion along with many others, they have actually overshadowed the main exercise. The standing leg curl on this machine is brilliant. As good as anything you will find in higher end commercial machines.
Yes it is plate loaded, but you won’t need a lot of weight. It is an exercise that is best performed in roughly the 15 rep range.
It is an easy exercise for inexperienced lifters to perform with correct form. This makes it even more valuable as beginners often have weak hamstrings. This exercise is a must have in a training program that targets the hamstrings.
On to the build quality

The harness would be considered the centrepiece. But I think it is representative of the build quality. It is made from thick plate steel and weighs 18kgs alone.
No matter what the machine, when you are squatting with weight on your shoulders – you are going to have weight on your shoulders.
To ease the pain, they have contoured padding that is held in place with a nylon sheath that is bolted to the harness. There is also padding for your sternum. As the load is distributed over a larger area, it is far more comfortable that a barbell squat.

Moving on to the standing hamstring curl, it features plate loaded leverage resistance. Both arms operate off bearings and are connected with a linkage arm with ball ends.
You can see by the angles that they have put effort into getting the right resistance through the entire range of motion. Not only is it consistent but it is super smooth.
It has pads to rest your upper thigh.
For leg curls you stand on custom rubber feet. For squats there is an oversized footplate. All the lines that are laser cut are so you can make sure your feet are in the correct position and properly aligned.
In summary
Now this machine is not for everyone. But have a look at standing leg curl machines – you will be lucky to find one under $1,500. Even a quality seated leg curl machine is not cheap. So, the standing leg curl exercise on the Leg Blaster practically justifies the purchase price alone.
For the squat, women and men who chest feed, may find the harness uncomfortable. However, for someone who is a heavy barbell squatter, this exercise is a great way to load the quads while giving the knees and back a rest.
Adding a quality squat option to a top tier hamstring exercise in my opinion is the best way to judge the value of this gym equipment.
If you are a gym and already have the traditional leg machines, this is a great value way to add some variety to the leg muscle group options without taking up a ton of space. For home users, this could be a great machine if you don’t have money and space for a quality leg press.
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