The Spud Inc Sled Pulling Belt was the product that initially got my interest in the Spud range. When I saw it, I knew it was exactly what we were after. It was just a great idea, well made and looked great in the yellow.
We have been doing a bit of sled work in circuits. But we just pull it by hand because getting in and out of it is too time consuming when we are working in 1-minute intervals. With the Spud Belt you can just step right in and away you go!
Having the belt just loop through is such a clever yet simple idea, it’s amazing nobody thought of this before! You can see by the material and stitching that this belt will take one hell of a load.
Don’t worry if you don’t have a sled. Just hitch it up to an old truck tyre – that is what we use. If you don’t have a truck tyre just come by and pick one up. We are in an industrial area and truckies are always ditching old tyres in the middle of the night!!
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