25 EZ Curl Bar Exercises
Now you’ve done a few bicep curls with your shiny new Olympic EZ Curl Bar, you might be wondering what other exercises you can do with it. Well stick around to find out. We are going to explore 25 EZ Curl Bare Exercises.
“My gym is far away and I cannot afford a home gym”, therefore I will not train. A statement which could not fly by Mr Universe winner Lee Priest.
People are always coming up with excuses not to train, whether it is the traffic, weather, the line at the pec fly machine or just lack of motivation.
While we cannot control the weather or shorten the line at the pec dec machine, with the help of Lee Priest we can give you a list of exercises you can do at home with the most basic equipment – a 4ft Curl Bar.
EZ Curl Bar Exercises for the Whole Body
I’ve broken the exercises down by the muscle group, all you need to do is pick a few from each category. If you combine it with body weight movements like push-ups, pull ups and leg raises and you’ve got yourself a great workout.
The best part about Lee’s video is that it shows the old school creativity of bodybuilders from years gone by. A time when fancy gym equipment and machines were not yet invented. Bodybuilders from that era had to figure out a way to work a given muscle group with whatever equipment they had at their disposal.
You are probably thinking that this would affect their gains. However judging by some of the old school physiques, it quite clearly didn’t. As a matter of fact some experts believe that they had better muscular development.
The key here is form. On a modern piece of gym equipment you often sit in a pre-defined position. Then you grab some handles that are angled or press on a plate with your feet in a designated position. All you must do is the grunt work.
Without this complicated machinery you must be mindful of your form and positioning when training. You need to make the necessary adjustments to how you perform the exercise to ensure that you are working the desired muscle group and not another. This is such an important skill in bodybuilding and something that you might not gain while training solely on machines.
Bicep Exercises with an EZ Curl Bar
Bicep Curls
Great basic exercise to develop your biceps. The bends of the EZ Curl Barbell reduce the stress on your wrist and usually allow you to lift a bit more weight.
How to easy bar curl:
- Grip the EZ Curl bar at the wider bends of the shaft, with your palms facing inwards. Grip the knurled area of the barbell.
- Your fingers should be pointing towards.
- Squeeze your glutes and core to brace your body for the lift and prevent you front using momentum (AKA swinging).
- Lock your elbows into the side of your body, feel free to bring them back a little bit. This way you will be able to place more stress on your biceps and lessen the chance of you using momentum.
- Squeeze the barbell and lift it up to your chest (around the nipple line).
- Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.
- Return to the starting position.
- It should take you 1-1.5 seconds to bring the barbell up and the same amount of time to bring the barbell down.
- Bodybuilders tend to not extend their arm all the way to keep constant pressure on the muscle.
- If you want a longer and more functional muscle, I would recommend extending your arms fully, sot that you would work through the whole range of motion.
- Perform 4 sets between 8 to 12 repetitions. If you can get to 12 repetitions without sacrificing your form or breathing heavily, increase the weight. If you are struggling to perform 8 repetitions, lower the weight.
- This is a great starting exercise.

Narrow Grip Bicep Curls
The narrower grip will allow you have a better squeeze of the muscle as well as more control over the movement. It is important to change the exercises up when training in order to progress.
How to:
- Grip the EZ Curl Barbell’s shaft at the narrower bends.
- Your fingers should be facing you and your palms should be angled inwards.
- Squeeze your glutes and core to prepare for the lift and avoid rocking back and forth.
- Your elbows should be locked into the sides of your body.
- Bring the barbell up to around your nipple line or until you will feel your elbows moving upwards.
- Squeeze your biceps once you raised the barbell to the top.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- If you are chasing the bodybuilding gains, do not extend your arms fully as this will help you to keep the constant tension on the muscle, fatiguing it more quickly.
- If you want a healthier and more functional muscle, lower the bar all the way down as this will allow you to work through the whole range of motion of the muscle.
- It should take you 1-1.5 seconds to bring the barbell all the way up and identical time to bring the barbell down.
- Perform 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps of this exercise.
- Choose the weight based on how many repetitions you can perform, if you feel like you are struggling on the 8th repetition, lower the weight. If you feel like you can do more than 12, increase the weight.
Preacher Curls Without a Bench
This exercise might seem odd and unique as nowadays every single gym is filled with specialty arm machines. These days you can even get a preacher curl attachment for a bench. But back in Lee’s Day they were not available and the old-timers had to come up with innovative ways to isolate their muscles.
How to:
- Grab the barbell at the narrower part of the knurled shaft.
- Your palms should be facing inwards and your fingers pointing to you.
- Squat down and place your elbows on your quads (legs).
- The movement might be a tad limited as you are also trying to balance yourself during this exercise so don’t worry if you can’t extend your arms fully.
- Extend the arms as far as you comfortably can and bring them up until you can’t contract the muscle any further.
- Keep the tension on your core and watch your stability – if your body is unstable, leave this exercise for a bit later in your training career.
- Perform 8 to 12 repetitions of this exercise for 3 to 4 sets.
- This exercise is a great biceps day finisher.
Concentration Curls
As the name suggests you will need to concentrate doing this variation of biceps curls. It is slightly different from your regular dumbbell concentration curls as you will need to be parallel with the ground in order to perform this exercise.
I do not recommend it for those who have lower back/hamstring injuries or problems.
How to:
- Use narrow grip for this exercise – grip the bar at the closer bends of the shaft.
- Your palms should be angled inwards and the fingers facing you.
- Place your feet shoulder width apart.
- Bend over until you are parallel with the ground.
- Choose lighter weight for this exercise as it is a finishing exercise.
- Tense your core and slowly bring the barbell up until your arms are parallel with the ground.
- It is very easy to use momentum in this exercise so do your best to avoid swinging the bar upwards.
- Give your biceps a light squeeze when the barbell is at the top.
- Slowly bring the barbell down to the starting position. You can extend your arms fully in this exercise.
- Perform 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Overhand Bicep Curls
Overhand grip will help you to develop your forearm muscles and strengthen your wrists. You will still be using your biceps during this biceps curl variation, with the main difference being the additional stress you will place on the often-overlooked forearm muscles.
How to:
- Grip the barbell at the wider bends of the ez curl shaft.
- Your palms are going to be angled outwards with your fingers facing away from your face.
- Tense your core and squeeze your glutes to prevent your body from rocking back – this will help you to reduce the “cheating” (using momentum to swing the bar up) as well as to protect your spine.
- Lock your elbows into the side of your body, or bring them back a little bit.
- Bring the barbell up to around your nipple line.
- Give your biceps and forearms a light squeeze.
- Slowly return to the starting position – your arms should be extended fully.
- Perform 8-12 repetitions for 4 sets.
- Resting period should be around 45 seconds to a maximum of 60 seconds.
- You can combine this exercise with your regular biceps curls.
Overhand Narrow Bicep Curls
The narrow grip variation of this exercise gives you yet another opportunity to train your biceps and forearms in a different way.
How to:
- Grip the EZ Curl Barbell’s Shaft at the narrower bends.
- Your palms are going to be angled outwards with your fingers facing the ground.
- Brace your body (tense your core and glutes).
- Bring the bar up to your nipple line or as high as you can (before your elbows start lifting up).
- Squeeze your biceps and forearms at the top to achieve the peak muscle contraction.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- You don’t have to extend your arms fully.
- It should take you 1-1.5 seconds to bring the barbell up and 1-1.5 seconds to bring it down.
- Perform this exercise for 3-4 sets for 8-12 repetitions.
- You should not rest longer than 60 seconds in between sets.
- This exercise is not a starting exercise, but it can be performed in conjunction with other biceps exercises.
Forearms Curls
You can perform this exercise either sitting on the bench, end of the bed or even kneeling down. It will allow you to strengthen your forearms and wrists.
How to:
- Choose a lighter weight for this exercise.
- Grip the ez curl barbell as close as possible.
- Place your elbows onto the bench, edge of the bed or your knees.
- Your feet should be in front of you – this will give you additional stability.
- Slowly extend your wrists backwards.
- Curl the EZ Curl Bar up and squeeze your forearms.
- Return to the starting position and repeat for 8-12 repetitions.
- Perform 3-4 sets of this variation with a rest period of up to 60 seconds.
- This is a finishing exercise and I would recommend doing it after your biceps exercises.
Shoulder Exercises with an EZ Curl Bar
Big biceps do look great, but unless you have the shoulders to match them, the view won’t be as impressive. Here are a list of shoulder exercises you can perform at home with your EZ Curl Barbell.
Shoulder Press
There are pro’s and con’s of using the EZ Curl Barbell for shoulder pressing. The con being that you are limited to your grip width, so if you are super tall you might not find this variation to be the most comfortable one.
The pro being that because the barbell is so much shorter than a 7 foot barbell, it is far easier to control the weight as it is much closer to your body.
How to:
- Before you start this exercise, make sure that you have the necessary shoulder mobility to perform it with a correct form. If you lack shoulder mobility you will end up placing too much stress on your lower back by leaning backwards in order to press the bar.
- Place your feet shoulder width apart.
- If you do have the shoulder mobility, grab the ez curl bar at the ends of the shaft. If you do not have the shoulder mobility, do not perform this exercise as you may get injured. Instead you can try using dumbbells or the weight plates.
- Lift the bar up to your chin, or until your biceps and forearm will form a 90 degree angle. There is no real need to go any lower as you will be increasing pressure on your shoulder joint.
- During the shoulder press the bar should move in a straight line, but not a vertical line.
- Lift the barbell up above your head, until it will be in the same line as your ears.
- Your elbows should be in the same line as your body, not flaring outwards or inwards.
- Bring the bar down to around your chin, or until your biceps and forearm will form a 90 degree angle.
- Perform this exercise for 4 sets and 8-12 repetitions.
- Rest up to 2 minutes in between sets.
- This is a great starting exercise, just please do not forget to properly warm up your shoulders and joints prior to starting it.
- Don’t forget to use collars to secure the weights!
Military Shoulder Press
It is called military shoulder press because it is a strict movement performed with your feet being close together. Like standing to attention.
It requires great shoulder mobility as you will have to bring the barbell behind your shoulders. It is definitely not recommended for beginners as it may lead to injury.
How to:
- Grab the ez curl barbells shaft at the end.
- Bring your feet close together.
- Lift the bar above your head and place behind your neck.
- Tense your core and glutes to protect your spine.
- Your elbows will move in a straight line and should not be flaring back or forth.
- Raise the bar up above your head until it is in the same line as your ears.
- Bring the bar down to your ear level, there is no need to bring the bar all the way down to your shoulders as it increase the likelihood of shoulder impingement.
- Do not forget to breathe out during the harder moment of this movement.
- Perform 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of this variation.
- Rest up to 2 minutes in between sets.
- This is a great shoulder day starting exercise.
- Don’t forget to use collars to secure the weights!
Front Shoulder Raise
This is a great exercise for building the front delts. As this is an isolation exercise you won’t need a lot of weight. If you do use too much weight, you will most likely work the lower back more than the front delts.
How to:
- Grip the bar roughly shoulder width apart (depends on where the bends in the bar are).
- Use overhand grip for this exercise (your palms facing down).
- Tense your core and glutes to both preserve your spine and prevent you from swinging the weight up.
- If you find yourself using momentum to complete the repetition, lower the weight.
- Maintain a slight bend in your elbows.
- Lift the bar up to around your shoulder level.
- Return to the starting position.
- Perform 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.
- Rest up to 1 minute in between sets.
- This exercise goes well with shoulder presses!
- Don’t forget to use collars to secure the weights!
Upright Rows
This exercise works your trapezius (upper back) and deltoids (shoulders). I would recommend performing it towards the end of the workout.
How to:
- Grip the bar at the narrow bends using overhand grip.
- Tense your core and glutes to maintain stability in your body.
- Keep the weight close to your body.
- Lift with your elbows up – flare them out to the sides as you are lifting up the bar.
- Stop when your elbows are in the same line as your shoulders.
- There is no need for the bar to touch your chin, you will only be putting unnecessary stress on your shoulder joint.
- Squeeze your upper back muscles (trapezius) at the top of the movement.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Perform 4 sets of 10-12 reps for this exercise.
- Rest up to 1 minutes in between sets.
Snatch Grip Upright Rows
Also called wide grip upright rows. This exercise variation is used by weightlifters to both strengthen their upper body for snatches and Clean & Jerks.
This exercise variation works your upper back (trapezius), deltoids (shoulders), core and biceps.
How to:
- Choose a wider grip for this exercise.
- Grab the bar using overhand grip.
- Your knuckles will be pointed down throughout the whole movement.
- Tense your core and glutes to maintain stability.
- Lift the bar up until your elbows are in the same line as your shoulders.
- Your elbows are supposed to be flared out at the top of the moment.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- For this exercise perform 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
- Rest up to 90 seconds in between sets.
Chest Exercises with an EZ Curl Bar
No workout is complete without a chest pump! While these exercises may not be the most comfortable ones, they will still allow you to train and build muscle.
Bench Press
The staple exercise for anyone who is looking to get stronger and build a bigger chest. You will need a bench for this specific exercise as it will allow you to work through your whole range of motion.
How to:
- Lay down on the bench so that both your head and your glutes would be in the same line as the center line of the bench. Your head should not be sticking past the bench.
- Make sure that your shoulders are even, and one is not sticking out fo the bench pad more than the other.
- Grab the EZ curl Bar at the wider bends.
- Lay down on the bench. Pull your shoulders back and then push them down so that your rib cage would have an arch. This will allow you to get a better muscle stretch and protect your rotator cuffs.
- Place your feet firmly on the ground. You can keep them close to the bench or further apart to the sides – whatever you find the most comfortable.
- Breathe in, tense your core and glutes and start pressing.
- It is important to also push with your feet – this will give you the stability while pressing.
- Bring the bar down to around your nipple line and push it up, the bar will travel in a straight line but not vertical.
- Perform 8-12 repetitions for 4 sets for this exercise.
- Bench press is a great exercise to start your chest workout, just please do not forget to warm up your joints and muscles before training!
- Rest between 1-2 minutes in between sets, use light to moderate weight for the first few weeks until you will get used to the movement.
- Don’t forget to use collars to secure the weights!
Floor Press
Floor bench press is one of those exercises which doesn’t require any additional equipment. It does a phenomenal job when it comes to protecting your shoulder joints and allow you to work both your chest and your triceps. Because the range of motion is limited you can lift a bit more weight.
How to:
- If you don’t have a power cage or a squat rack on which you could place the bar, you can start at the bottom position.
- There is no real need to arch your back for this specific variation as you will train with reduced range of motion.
- If you want to increase it, you can always place something underneath your shoulder blades, this would allow you to have a better stretch of your pectoral muscles.
- Choose a wider grip for this exercise – your biceps and forearms should be at a 90 degree angle when the bar is at the bottom of the movement.
- Breathe in and tense your core.
- Press the barbell upwards and return to the starting position, the bar should be at around your nipple line.
- Perform 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions for this exercise variation.
- Rest period between sets should be around 1-2 minutes.
- During this exercise you are not working through the whole range of motion so I would recommend doing it in the middle or end of your workout.
- Don’t forget to use collars to secure the weights!
Variations (21)
The 21 is quite a popular way of training for bodybuilders. You would break the movement down into three parts: Bottom to middle of the press, middle to top and bottom to full extension. You would perform 7 repetitions in each of the parts. It is completely up to you on where you would like to start.
How to:
- Position yourself on the bench, if you don’t have a rack you can ask your friend to hand you the bar. If you mate is not available, you can use a lighter weight with which you could safely start.
- This exercise does not require much weight so keep it light and focus on the execution and the squeezing of the muscle.
- Grab the bar at the wider bends.
- Arch your back – pull your shoulder blades together and push them down.
- Tense your core and glutes and don’t forget to push with your legs.
- You can start with the variation by performing 7 repetitions of the full range of motion, then move to bottom to the middle and then finally middle to the top.
- I would recommend performing 2-3 sets of this exercise.
- Rest up to 2 minutes in between sets.
- Don’t forget to use collars to secure the weights!
EZ Curl Bar Tricep Exercises
Whether you want to have more power in pressing movements or have bigger arms – a well developed triceps is a must! The three heads of your triceps take up around two thirds of your upper arm.
While the name might sound daunting, the exercise itself is really beneficial for the overall tricep development. They are called skull crushers because the bar will be directly above your head, and if you drop it you will injure yourself, so take an extra care!
How to:
- Lay down on the bench or the floor.
- Grab the bar at the narrower bends.
- Choose a lighter weight for this exercise.
- Extend your arms and position the bar at the same level as your eyes.
- Tuck your elbows in and keep them tucked in throughout the whole movement. They should stay in the same position.
- Slowly bring the bar back, your elbows should act as a stable pivot point.
- The bar should just extend past your forehead.
- Return to the starting position and repeat for 4 sets at 8-12 repetitions.
- Rest between 1-2 minutes in between sets.
- Don’t forget to secure the weight with barbell collars and try not to drop it on your head!
Close Grip Bench Press
You can add close grip bench press to both your chest or shoulder days. It is not a starting exercise so I would recommend doing after bench press, fly’s or shoulder press.
How to:
- Lay down on a bench as this exercise will give you the best results when you will be training through the full range of motion.
- Push your shoulder blades back and then down to create an arch in your upper spine. This will give your rotator cuff muscles more room to move around.
- Choose a lighter weight for this exercise variation.
- Tense your core and glutes and push the bar off your chest.
- Breathe out during the push phase of the movement.
- It is important to try and push the ground with your legs to create the stability in your body.
- Once you pushed the bar to the top, tense your triceps and then reset.
- I would recommend perform 8-10 repetitions. 4 sets would be plentiful!
- Rest between 1 and 2 minutes.
- Don’t forget to use collars to secure the weights!
EZ Curl Bar Leg Exercises
Training legs with an EZ Curl bar is not an easy task, but it is possible! You may not be able to load the bar with as much weight as you would like, since the setting up process without a power rack can be quite complex. But that shouldn’t stop you from training legs.
Back Squats
Your ultimate leg building exercise! Squats work your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core, lower back and even your calves (up to some extent).
- Start with bodyweight squats to warm up your joints, muscles and tendons.
- If you don’t have a squat rack, you will have to choose lighter weight so that you could place the bar on your shoulders.
- You can wrap the bar in a towel if you feel like it is digging into your shoulders/back.
- Place the bar on your shoulders.
- Position your feet shoulder width apart, with your toes pointing slightly outwards. Your knee should follow the same line as your toes.
- Squat down until your hip line is parallel to your knees. If you don’t feel comfortable going deep, there is no need to do so. You can still work the muscles even with your squats being above the parallel line.
- Breathe in and tense your core.
- Start bending your knees and hips at the same time.
- Keep your chest up and look straight.
- Squat down to a level you feel comfortable.
- This is not an explosive exercise, so take your time and focus on controlling the movement.
- Perform 6-8 repetitions for 4 sets.
- Take up to 2 minute break in between sets.
- Don’t forget to use barbell collars to secure the weights!
Front Squats
Front squats are great at both strengthening your quads and your core. They are performed with the bar resting either on your collar bones/front deltoids or if you have the wrist strength on mobility – with your wrists supporting the weight.
How to:
- Choose a lighter weight for this exercise.
- Place the barbell on your collars bones/front deltoids or hold it up as close to your shoulders as possible.
- You can wrap the barbell in a towel to make the exercise a bit more comfortable.
- Place your feet shoulder width apart with your toes, your knees should be bending towards your toes.
- Stay as upright as possible.
- Breathe in and squat down. Try to go as low as possible.
- If your knees start caving in, chances are you lack the strength and mobility to go this deep, so try stopping just before.
- Perform 6-8 repetitions for 4 sets for this particular exercise.
- You can combine this variation with back squats, performing the front squats as a second exercise in your leg day.
- Don’t forget to use barbell locking collars to prevent the weights from sliding off.
If you have ever done lunges, you will know how brutal this exercise is. To be honest you don’t even need weight if you are just starting out with. The barbell will help you to increase the weight resistance once the bodyweight lunges become too easy.
Lunges will work your quads, glutes, hamstrings and help you to have stronger knees.
How to:
- Before you jump into the EZ Curl Barbell Lunges, try performing this exercise without any additional weight.
- If you want to increase the resistance, just place the barbell on your rear deltoids.
- You can wrap the barbell in a towel as a makeshift barbell pad.
- Try and keep your torso upright throughout the whole movement.
- Breathe in, tense your core and begin the exercise by taking a big step forward.
- Once your foot is in front of you, squat down until your knee touches the ground.
- Stand up and switch the legs around.
- If you are limited on space, you can bring back your leg to the starting position and then step forward and lunge with the other leg.
- If you are not limited on space, you can simply walk/lunge forward.
- Don’t forget to breathe in on your way down and breathe out on your way up.
- Perform 8-10 repetitions (each leg) for 3-4 sets.
- This is a great finishing exercise.
- If you feel like your knee is not stable, try performing the exercise with no weight.
Bulgarian Split Squats
Bulgarian split squats are one of those brutal accessory exercise you must do if you want to have strong and stable knees. It works your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Since it is a single leg exercise your core has to do a lot of work for you to stay upright.
How to:
- Choose a lighter weight for this exercise. You can try it without any weight, if you feel like you are having a lot of balance issues, you can try it with just weight plates
- Place the barbell on your shoulders.
- You can wrap it in a towel to make it more comfortable.
- First place your foot in front of you and then place the other foot on a bench or a side of a bed.
- The execution of this exercise is very similar to lunges.
- Bend your knee and start squatting down.
- Do your best to remain upright.
- Go as low until your knee touches the ground. If you feel discomfort there is no need to go that low.
- Slowly stand up and perform 8-10 repetitions on a single leg, before switching to the other.
- Do this for 3-4 sets with rest periods up to 2 minutes in between sets.
- Don’t forget to secure the weights with barbell collars.
Calf Raises
Hiding chicken legs in summer is a tad more difficult than it is hiding your quads. There are plenty of bodyweight exercises you could perform to build stronger and bigger calves (depending on your genetics and diet of course). But Standing EZ Curl Bar Calf Raises are a great way to add some resistance.
How to:
- You can perform this exercise just standing, but if you want more muscle activation, you will need to stretch the muscle out.
- You can do so by increasing the range of motion – in this case the pad of your will have to be on an elevated surface.
- You can stand on a weight plate, a squat block or even on a piece of timber.
- Place the barbell on your shoulders.
- Choose a way you want to elevate your foot pads.
- Tense your core and lift yourself all the way up until you feel like you can’t raise yourself up anymore.
- Slowly return to the starting position or until you feel like your calves cannot stretch any more.
- Perform 12-20 repetitions for 4-5 sets.
- Rest periods in between sets should be 45 seconds to a minute.
Seated Calf Raises
You can do seated calf raise with just an easy curl bar! This variation is much easier and comfortable to do as you don’t have to worry about stability that much and you can focus on training the muscle.
How to:
- First find yourself a wooden block, a weight plate or something which would allow you to stretch your calf muscle all the way. Meaning your heel should not be touching the ground.
- Sit down on the edge of the bench or bed – whatever is available to you.
- I would recommend rolling the towel over the bar as a home made barbell pad, or just simply place it on your knees.
- Place your foot pads on the elevated surface of your choice.
- Roll the bar on your knees.
- Push your legs up as far as you can. Squeeze the calves or a fraction of a second.
- Return all the way down until your calves cannot stretch anymore.
- Perform between 15-20 repetitions for 4-5 sets.
- Rest periods should be between 45 seconds to a minute.
- If this is your first time doing calf raise, take it slow and use light weights until your body gets used to the movement.
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Stiff legged deadlifts is a great addition to any leg day as they work your whole posterior chain (lower back, glutes and hamstrings). It is important to take your time doing this exercise as you can injure yourself rather easily.
How to:
- Choose a light weight for this exercise.
- Grab the barbell shoulder width apart.
- Your feet should be close together.
- Keep your back straight and maintain a slight bend in your knees.
- Keep the weight as close to your body as possible.
- Bring the bar down until you will feel the stretch in your hamstrings.
- Do not go any lower!
- Once you start feeling the stretch return to the starting position.
- Please keep your back straight.
- Perform 8-12 repetitions for 4 sets.
- This exercise is great to finish your workout on.
- Rest up to 2 minutes in between sets.
Leg Extensions
While this variation may not be the most comfortable one, you can still perform leg extensions using just an EZ curl bar!
How to:
- You can sit on a bench or the end of the bed.
- Wrap the barbell with a towel or use a barbell pad.
- Place the bar on the top of your ankles.
- Keep your toes pointing upwards.
- Slowly bring the bar up and squeeze your quads.
- Because the weight is not secured, you have to take your time doing this exercise.
- Return to the starting position.
- Perform 8-12 repetitions for 4 sets.
- Rest up to 1 minute in between sets.
- This exercise is a perfect addition to a leg day workout and it should be done somewhere in the middle of your training session.