Spud Magic Carpet Sled
The Spud Magic Carpet Sled is a lightweight alternative to traditional steel weight and running sleds. The steel sleds can tear up certain surfaces, so depending on where you’re training you might not be too popular.
If you train on artificial grass, grass, or gym flooring, the Spud Sled will just glide along these surfaces.
This type of sled work is the perfect cardio training, and there’s nothing better than hitting your local park or oval on a nice sunny day. You are obviously going to need some weight, but the sled will be one less item to lug around. Outdoor personal trainers will know what I mean! You can just roll it up and put it in your backpack with your other spud training gear – then farmers carry your 20kg plates.
You’re probably thinking that because this sled is made from material that it will fall to bits after a couple of heavy sessions. Nothing could be further from the truth. Check out the other Spud videos and you will see the kind of abuse this material can take.
In fact, the Spud Inc Magic Carpet Sled is the Official Sled used in the new American Army Physical Fitness Testing.
Note: Weight plates sold separately. Not to be used on rough surfaces like the road or concrete.

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