Our Power Maxx Kettlebells have been a big hit. Some of the customers have been new to kettlebell training and have been asking what is the best way to get started. So I thought I would share with you how I learnt the ropes. The story started when my wife was pregnant with our twins. […]
Weight Training
Dropping Dumbbells The growing popularity of Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting and CrossFit has lead to a greater use and understanding of bumper plates. Most people understand now that if you load up a barbell it is not a good idea to just start dropping it from waist high. If you keep doing this, it is generally […]
10 Weight Training Tips 1. Use a weight you can control with good form. 2. Never more than two days in a row without a break. 3. Never stretch a cold muscle 4. Workouts should last between 45-60 mins. 5. Large Muscle Groups Basic Trainers: 1 exercise per muscle group. No more than 2-3 sets […]
A good way to set up a strength program is to use your own body weight (BW) as a reference point. For example, if you weigh 80kg set up your program as such. Bench press 30% of BW x 15 reps – 50% of BW for 10 reps – 75% of BW for 5 reps. Now […]
When I show customers the Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbells, they often say “hey, but you ca’t do drop sets”. This is true to a point, but I would like to point out the following:
I just thought I would share with you my experience of some dumbbell training I did while I was away on holidays. It shows that you can have great workouts without needing a lot of gym equipment. When you are conditioned to training on gym equipment in a commercial gym you tend to lose your […]
Here is the weight training article from Sam’s Fitness Sept 2008 newsletter. Using these weight lifting techniques you can easily add variety into your training without having to incorporate new exercises. This is great if you are training in a home gym situation where you might not have a lot of gym equipment. In the […]
Here is the weight training article for the Feb 2009 Newsletter. It was written by yours truly and is part of a series of more advanced workouts for people that are training in their home gym with limited gym equipment.
Here is just a teaser of the Matrix system Dr Ron Laura is working on for the Powertec Multi System.
I have been changing my training a bit lately with the help of my new favourite cardio workout timer. The weather has been so nice in Sydney. I have been training a bit in the backyard at home with my Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbells and Ironmaster Kettlebell Handle . Plus I have also recently acquired […]
Here is an Upper Body Workout specifically designed to be used at home. It utilises two of my favourite pieces of gym equipment – the Powertec LeverGym and Ironmaster Dumbbells. This combination of equipment is perfect for the trainer who is tight on space. Powertec and Ironmaster Upper Body Workout Now I only had 45mins including […]
Let me know what Powertec Multi System Exercises that I need to do. A question that I often get. So this is for my old mate Jayse “Big Fella” who just recently purchased a Powertec Multi System. He wants to know what is the best way to tackle his new home gym. Well I have […]
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