Weight Training Programs

Vintage Australian Powerlifting Union Ltd poster featuring a cartoon character lifting weights above the text The Bristow Open.

4 Week Progression to Competition It has been almost two years since I last stepped on the powerlifting stage. And as much as I would say that I missed competing, that would only be the pinnacle of all the training process. I truly missed the process of conditioning my mind as well as my body […]

A person in a black ATX® Grip Shirt and pants is bench pressing a barbell with red weight plates in a gym, emphasizing arm muscles and strength training.

Powerlifting was previously the cellar dweller of the strength sports. Olympic weightlifting used to get global coverage every four years with the Olympics. Bodybuilders gained exposure through tv shows and movies. Meanwhile, powerlifters were moving massive weights away from the public spotlight. However, times have certainly changed, and powerlifting has stepped out of the shadows. […]

Here is an introduction into my training log. I will share my training experience with you, and I will do my best to be completely transparent with everything that I do. Since I have been specializing in bench press my whole “Powerlifting Career” I have a lot of muscle imbalances. So please do not laugh […]

The Lee Priest Mass Program is revealed! Complete with videos featuring Lee himself, detailing his favourite Mass gaining exercises. Below are all the secrets from Australia’s best bodybuilder on how to pack mountains of muscle onto your physique. Whip yourself up a protein shake, and sit down, and take notes. Your journey to building your […]

Here is the next in the series of Funk Roberts Ironmaster Dumbbell workouts. This is a lower body workout that will change your opinion of training legs with dumbbells.

Now here is different style of workout for you all. I have done it twice now and it is definitely one of Funk’s best!!!

For those of you who followed my initial Recession Buster program that was designed for home training where you only have basic gym equipment, here is a refresher to keep you going. It is still a two way split but I have tweaked it so you can push that little bit harder for greater gains. 

Here is the Training Article that was featured in our Jan 2009 Newsletter. This is follow up to the Summer Training Program Brad did previously. Check it out

10 Weight Training Tips 1. Use a weight you can control with good form. 2. Never more than two days in a row without a break. 3. Never stretch a cold muscle 4. Workouts should last between 45-60 mins. 5. Large Muscle Groups Basic Trainers: 1 exercise per muscle group. No more than 2-3 sets […]

Build up slowly for best results

A good way to set up a strength program is to use your own body weight (BW) as a reference point. For example, if you weigh 80kg set up your program as such. Bench press 30% of BW x 15 reps – 50% of BW for 10 reps – 75% of BW for 5 reps. Now […]

Here is the weight training article for the Feb 2009 Newsletter. It was written by yours truly and is part of a series of more advanced workouts for people that are training in their home gym with limited gym equipment.

Here is an Upper Body Workout specifically designed to be used at home. It utilises two of my favourite pieces of gym equipment – the Powertec LeverGym and Ironmaster Dumbbells. This combination of equipment is perfect for the trainer who is tight on space. Powertec and Ironmaster Upper Body Workout Now I only had 45mins including […]

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