The Power Maxx Olympic Hip Thrust Barbell gives you the best of both worlds. A compact barbell with sleeves that are the same length as a 7ft Olympic bar.
Back in the good old days, if you wanted to perform barbell hip thrusts your options were either a 5ft bar or a 7ft bar. Neither are ideal.
The 7ft bar can be a bit of a hazard for other people training around you. Plus due to the length it’s difficult to balance properly.
If you opt for a five foot bar then you’re limited by the sleeve length. Hip thrusts are an exercises you can perform with a reasonable amount of weight, so this is a compromise.
That’s where the Hip Thrust Bar comes in. The sleeves are the same length as the sleeves on a 7ft bar. But it’s only slightly longer than the 5ft bar.
This is ideal for group training environments. Not only can you squeeze in an extra station or two, but they are also easier to store and maneuver in your gym.
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