Gym Equipment Articles

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What are Fractional Plates? Fractional plates are low denomination plates that aid in building strength and a better physique. In this Fractional Plate Buying Guide we will go through the different types. Plus how they are used. The title applies to any plates under 5kg, and typically come in 0.25kg, 0.5kg, 0.75kg, 1kg, 1.25kg and […]

Here is a barbell buying guide for the new range of ATX bars. The range is so comprehensive that it can get a bit confusing. But after reading this barbell guide you will see that we have Australia’s best range of barbells! First up, a bit of background on the barbells. Given the growth in […]

Smith Cable Racks (SCR) – a Smith Machine, Half Rack, and Functional Trainer combined into one compact unit – have grown in popularity in recent years. They offer an incredible amount of exercise variety in an extremely compact space. In my opinion, this was the downfall of the early designs. Having loads of exercises makes marketing these gyms […]

Whether you are new to weight training, or have been lifting for years, the range and variety of weight plates has exploded over the recent years. As an experienced trainer myself, making the right choice for plates is daunting. Plus, the affordability of premium styles has improved dramatically, making the decision harder. What I thought it would be […]

Gym equipment can be confusing. We see it all the time. A customer comes into the shop looking for something they believe is a relatively simple choice, like a bench press. Then they are confronted with several choices. Each option will have it’s pros and cons relative to each other. Their heads start spinning trying […]

Some say that smith machines are great for you and others are clinging on to the belief that they are the worst thing that happened to weight training in human history. Instead of listening to the self-proclaimed fitness experts, here is my take based on my training for the 2018 Bench Press World Championships and […]

What does Smith Cable Rack and MMA have in common? You can’t be lacking strength, agility or versatility if you want to be the best. The Barbarian Line Smith Cable Rack is like a super heavyweight in the current multi gym market. It has a commercial quality smith machine, half rack, functional trainer and multi-grip […]

The new ATX Blackline Cable Attachments have been a real eye opener for not just our customers but also myself. Being a simple man with simple tastes, I go for the basic things in life. As long it functions right and is durable it gets a green light. To put it in perspective one of […]

Introduction If you are currently researching a gym equipment purchase, you are probably reading a lot of recommendations for power racks, especially on forums. And for good reason. In terms of functionality, safety and effectiveness – probably the most important factors in any fitness equipment purchase – the power rack would be one of the […]

If this doesn’t convince you to set up a home gym, then nothing will! A recent study by Fit Rated revealed some pretty interesting findings… Gym equipment like free weights – dumbbells and barbells – has up to 362 time more bacteria than a toilet seat! Which to me, is really no surprise, when you […]

We have started adding the ATX line of Power Racks and Cages to our range. They are relatively unknown in Australia, but a rapidly growing brand in Europe. So I thought I would give you a bit of background on how they came about. Certain American brands have grown in popularity with the explosion of […]

We have decided to offer the Ironmaster Super Bench with the Megatec Half Rack and Megatec Smith Machine packages because it delivers you the best bang for buck. The price we sell these benches for easily makes them the best value gym bench in Australia. We can do this because we buy in massive quantities. The […]

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