New Outbak Products Listed

Our Outbak products have been flying out the door. Just thought I would let you know we have expanded the range with some great new products.

It took me a while, but when I found the Outbak range I knew I was on a winner. The products are all great quality and very reasonably priced. Our sales have been that good I have even dropped the price on most of the items. The new Outbak products we have just listed are the Outbak Power Wrist Wraps and the Outbak Gut Buster. The Outbak Power Wrist Wraps are just like the normal wrist wraps but longer. They are for serious lifters who lift serious weight.

Wrist Wraps

The Outbak Gutbuster is a great addition to the Powertec Power Rack. You can hang the Outbak Gutbuster off the chin up bars and do knee raises and leg raises. Knee Raises are probably my favourite ab exercise – I hate sit ups and crunches! So buying the Outbak Gutbuster will be a lot cheaper than buying a standalone vertical knee raise.

ab raises