Al’s new 2013 Powertec LeverGym Review
Al is no stranger to Powertec gym equipment. He had one of the best home gyms set ups we have seen. Unfortunately Al had to downsize to create some more storage space in his shed. So the Multi System had to go, and a 2013 Powertec LeverGym took its place. This is what Al had to say about his new acquisition.
Hey Matt and Sam,
Just a quick 2013 Powertec LeverGym Review for you. The new gym arrived late yesterday arvo. I whacked her together after dinner an had a quick play with it and I reckon she’ll fill the hole that my old powertec multi left nicely….looks good and feels solid with heaps of exercise options for such a small footprint….love the iso arms….can’t wait to give it a proper hit later today…..
Thanks again for your great service and super fast shipping…
Cheers, Al
LeverGym vs Multi System
A lot of people ask what is better between the Powertec Multi System and the LeverGym. The answer is it depends on the situation.
The main difference between the two machines is that the Multi System is three station – so it is like having multiple pieces of gym equipment in your home gym.
The 2013 Powertec LeverGym on the other hand is a single station so you need to make some adjustments to set up some exercises.
There are some exercises you can do on the Multi System that you can’t do on the 2013 Powertec LeverGym. But there are some on the LeverGym you can’t do on the Multi System.

If this has confused your decision about which gym to go for even further, always have in the back of your mind that it won’t matter which one you choose you will always walk away with an awesome home gym.
Here is what Al’s gym looked like when he had the Powertec Multi Gym. This was one of the great home gyms at the time. Note the Powertec Vertical Gym in the back corner. They are incredibly rare in Australia. Plus he had loads of attachments and even squeezed in seated calf raise machine.