Even the strongest man in the world had to start somewhere. Power Maxx 1-10 kg Round Rubber is a perfect set for anyone who is looking to start training with weights. It might not seem like a lot of weight but trust me you can still build muscle and strengthen your body with this set.
Handles are made out of spring steel (the same steel your barbell is made of) so you can be sure that it won’t break, just as a precaution they are covered in a durable rubber casing which will protect the dumbbell, floors and reduce noise compared to all steel dumbbells. The set comes with a vertical dumbbell stand which has a compact footprint, meaning you will be able to store it even in tightest home gyms and studios.
Power Maxx Round Rubber Dumbbell set consists of – 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 5 kg, 6 kg, 7 kg, 8 kg, 9 kg, 10 kg dumbbells and a vertical dumbbell stand.
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