ATX Barbell Buying Guide
Here is a barbell buying guide for the new range of ATX bars. The range is so comprehensive that it can get a bit confusing. But after reading this barbell guide you will see that we have Australia’s best range of barbells!
First up, a bit of background on the barbells. Given the growth in popularity of powerlifting, CrossFit, Olympic weight lifting and just strength training in general, there has been an increased demand for quality barbells. For powerlifters, the Texas Power Bar has been hugely popular. For those more into Olympic lifts, Eleiko barbells are highly regarded.
However the big drawback with these barbells is the cost. Especially in Europe, where the the American bars are costly to import.
IFS, the parent company of German brands ATX, Barbarian Line & Megatec, wanted to add quality bars to their range – but at an affordable price. In true German fashion, they went out to make a better barbell at a better price.
To do this they got a German laboratory to analyse the steel used in the leading brand barbells. The same German laboratory came back with a recipe of steel that would offer better performance. In order to offer this superior blend of steel at a great price, they would need to manufacture in China. This is where the Germans once again excel, in that they are highly proficient at setting up production systems that can generate quality at an affordable price.
A sample from each production run, is sent back to the German laboratory where it is tested for compliance with their strict standards. The end result is a barbell that will perform just as good, if not better than those high end bars but at a much more attractive price. There have been thousands of these bars sent out in Europe, to some of the most hardcore training facilities in the world. Here is an ATX bar in action at Powerbase in Eindhoven – home of Dutch strongman Niels Gordijn.
Barbell Buying Guide Table

Although the range of different bars might have you scratching your head working out which one will best suit your needs, the above table lays out the differences between the barbells quite clearly. If you are a powerlifter, go for the Ram Powerlifting bar. If you are a weightlifter, go for the Bulls Bearing Bar. If you fall somewhere in between, the ATX Power Bars will be ideal.
But really you can’t go wrong either way – you will get a top quality German engineered and tested barbell at a fantastic price.