Ironmaster Dumbbell Weight Variation Review

The Ironmaster dumbbell weight has been questioned on some forums. There have been some cases of variations. This happens with all weight plates to a degree. Less so on calibrated powerlifting plates.

Dumbbell Plates Reviewed

It is no use me telling you it is a rarity. Here is a great review by Ben who is a great customer! Over the last couple of years he has built quite a collection of gym equipment with his latest addition being some serious Ironmaster action.

Ben went the whole hog and got the Ironmaster dumbbell & kettlebell combo plus the Ironmaster Add On Kit – the man is not messing around!

This is what Ben had to say when he gave them a blast –


I’m always happy with whatever I buy from you guys, but I absolutely love the dumbbells. Amazing build quality, and a real pleasure to use.

I popped a few plates on the digital scales out of interest as I’d read they had issues with weight early on, and happy to say they were all spot on.

Cheers, Ben

Now what Ben is referring to with the weight issues is some reports circulating the internet that the Ironmaster dumbbell weight plates were under.

IM QLDDB45 Ironmaster Dumbbells 45lb kit

Be Tolerant of Tolerances

Yes, there were some plates that were under, but they were within acceptable tolerances. Nearly all weight plates and dumbbells are out to a degree – that is why calibrated bumper and powerlifting plates are so expensive.

But one thing I always brought to people’s attention was the fact that people were probably weighing them on dodgy old bathroom scales that were themselves out by quite a margin. So if you took your scales down to the local gym and plonked every weight plate and dumbbell on there you would see all sorts of variations.

IM QLDDB 45lb Quick Lock Dumbbells

As a matter of fact when people used to pick up up the Ironmaster dumbbells in our shop they often used to say how heavy they felt. I know myself after training with the Ironamsters for quite a while, it never once crossed my mind that I should weigh my dumbbells. They were killing me in my workouts!!