Scott’s Ironmaster Review from the UK
Huge shout out to Scott from the UK for sending through his Ironmaster Review inspired multifunction home gym. What makes this review even more special for me is that it has come all the way from Great Britain! For the record I do not make a cent from the sale of Ironmaster products out of Australia. It just makes you feel good that you have helped a fellow weight trainer set up their gym.
Too Much Fun for Work!
I am constantly questioning myself whether I should keep doing the videos with Lee. If you have watched them you can see I am having a lot of fun – having that much fun at work makes me feel like it is not work! The reason why we have so much fun is because the filters are off with Lee. I know some people might get offended.
Hopefully some of those people who get offended will read this post. Lee’s words are not intended to hurt anyone. On the other hand Lee’s words have inspired someone on the other side of the world to set up a home gym. My belief is the world is a better place when more people lift weights.

Scott’s New Ironmaster Gym
Here is what Scott had to say about his new garage gym that he set up during lockdown.
Hi Sams Fitness,
Just thought I’d send you some shots of my Ironmaster gym I’m in the middle of creating here in the U.K. Your YouTube channel was a big influence of me buying this machine and getting the Ironmaster collection, especially with the videos with Lee priest showing all the exercises. I had to wait for a house move to be able to finally get the IM2000 but it’s been more than worth the wait as I appreciate it even more.
There’s not enough publicity for this machine for some reason even though it’s sold in many places over the world. Just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration on home gym equipment especially through the pandemic. Feel free to use the pictures on your socials. All the best from the U.K. Scott
Not Just A Smith Machine
To the uninitiated, the IM2000 looks “just like a smith machine”. But it is so much more than a barbell running on guide rails. A better way to describe it would be a smith machine gym. It comes with a high and low pulley standard along with weight plate storage. Plus there are many optional IM2000 attachments.
Scott has combined the IM2000 with a set of Ironmaster Quick Lock Dumbbells and Add On Kit. This effectively replaces a dumbbell set with rack taking up much less space. Plus it is a hell of a lot cheaper too!
Scott has jazzed the Ironmaster IM2000 up with the Ultimate Chin Up option. Look these are not cheap, especially with this crazy inflation, but they are damn good. The number and variety of grip positions is pretty amazing.
To round it out, Scott is using the Ironmaster weightlifting bench. With the growing list of optional attachments this will only add the potential for more variety down the track.

More Than Meets The Eye
Some of the home/garage gyms doing the rounds these days are very impressive. So in comparison Scott’s set up may appear pretty basic. But I can personally guarantee that this set up is enough for even an advanced trainer.
Until you play with this machine you don’t realise all that you can do. The down side is that it does take some set up to do certain exercises. For example lat cable pulldown will maybe take you just over a minute to set up.
You would be surprised to hear many people say that takes too long! Obviously everyone would prefer a stand alone lat pulldown, but when you don’t have the space that is a small sacrifice.