John’s new Powertec LeverGym Home Gym that we set up is becoming increasingly popular in the Sydney market. When you have limited space, the LeverGym is ideal as it offers so much in a compact footprint. We know this is a good set up, because we have sold three of these to John’s family/friends. These […]
Cool Home Gyms
A big thank you to Robin for sending in a pic of his super compact home gym. As you all know I have a real soft spot for these types of compact home gyms. You see it is easy to create a dream gym if you have loads of space and money. But when you […]
Big thanks goes out to Carlos in Queensland for sending in a pic of his home gym. Only problem is that it has caused some dramas on the home front……. “It’s in the entertainment area where the pool table was meant to be! Priorities! It’s all in a floor space of 3m x 4m. Tight […]
Check out Chris’s new home gym. Being in Sydney, we set it up the other night and it is a work in progress, but both Matt and I were very impressed. The reason being there wasn’t a lot of room; it was roughly a single-car garage. But we managed to comfortably fit in all the […]
Cons Home Gym in Tasmania is a beauty. Con sent pictures in ages ago, so a big thanks goes out for the updated pics. I will always have a soft spot for Con’s home gym. Firstly it is in Tassie which is one of my favourite places. Secondly, it is immaculate. Some of Con’s gear […]

Mark has got himself a killer Ironmaster home gym set up. Even though he is based in the US, and purchased his gym from Ironmaster directly, we are adopting him into the Australian home gym movement. You see Mark’s gym layout is going to be a blueprint for a lot of us Aussies, especially those […]
Boydy has always had one of the best home gyms in Australia. Not only has he got a great range of gym equipment, it is all the little details that make it great. If I had to list them this page would be longer than War and Peace! Boydy has already done some modifications to […]
Mark purchased his Ironmaster IM2000 in 2006 and over the years has added the Ironmaster Dumbbells plus various attachments to bring it up to the Space Saver Advanced Specs. Here is what Mark had to say about his Ironmaster set up – “This is a quick write up on my expeirance with your staff and […]
I always have a soft spot for home gyms like Huss’s. It is exactly what I would have got when I was ready to give training at the gym the flick. It is simple, heavy duty and you have got limitless exercises – if you put your mind to it. S Instead of me jibbering […]
I would like everyone to grab their protein shakers and toast Marco, he has assembled one of the most comprehensive home gyms we have seen. It is the complete package. Now where do I start! A lot of people toss up whether to go with free weights or machines. If you have a big enough […]
The worst kept secret in Sydney these days is how expensive it is to buy and rent properties. And then once you take that plunge, space won’t be at a premium. You may have a garage space or a second bedroom, but you wouldn’t think you would have enough room for a home gym. We […]

When we first set up Josh’s gym we just managed to fit in a Powertec LeverGym into his spare room downstairs. Over time he added some Ironmaster Dumbbells plus different sorts of attachments. As you all know this is a set up which is a favourite of mine – and one that can provide a […]
Showing 31-40 of 60 results